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30th Annual Loudoun Small Business Awards Finalist Spotlight: CodeLock, Inc.

Thank you to Brian from CodeLock, Inc. for sharing your story with us. Congratulations on being a finalist for the 30th Annual Loudoun Small Business Awards! View all finalists here and event info here.

Tell us the story of your business/nonprofit and how it’s evolved.

In 2019, I started a government-focused services company specializing in big data and artificial intelligence. While working with the U.S. Military and Department of Homeland Security, one of the country’s largest-ever software supply chain attacks occurred and highlighted the need for new and innovative solutions to come to market to protect better the foundation of what the world relies on…Software. After filing for a patent, we started CodeLock in 2021 to build a better solution and platform to protect our nation’s software and software supply chain. We decided to pursue venture capital in Silicon Valley (yes, as a Virginia company) and secured some quick funding.

The following two years were more challenging due to a downed economy; however, we knew that new regulations would catch up with the solution we were building and that it was just a matter of being patient and persistent. Fast forward to 2024, the federal government is now enforcing new rules that directly impact CodeLock, and we are starting to grow our customers and revenue.

Brian, co-founder of CodeLock, Inc. What are you most proud of when it comes to your team?

My business partner and I both come from military and government backgrounds, where the importance of your team is crucial to mission success. I am proud that my team understands this, and regardless of what the company needs to do to be successful, each member of the team is always willing and able. Collectively, we have been able to accomplish amazing things by working together towards the same goal.

In what ways do you give back to the Loudoun community?

When I drove into Loudoun County for the first time, I knew it was an extraordinary place. From the wineries and horse paddocks to the data centers and government contracting, Loudoun is uniquely primed to be a world leader in technological innovation and great living!

Over the last several years, I have worked with organizations like the Loudoun EDC, the Loudoun Chamber, and other organizations to promote Loudoun County to tech hubs worldwide. I view this as a win for all of us; the more business and talent we can drive to the region, the more opportunities we will all have. I regularly give back to new entrepreneurs trying to make a difference locally and advise them on topics ranging from business strategy to raising venture capital.

What would it mean to you and your business to win a Small Business Award?

You should never work hard just for recognition; however, when it comes, it is a friendly reminder that hard work pays off and is noticed. Coming out of COVID and the down economy, it took a lot of work to be an entrepreneur. At times, I was unsure if I would make it. Several personal and financial sacrifices were made, but we pushed forward. Winning this Small Business Award will be a great acknowledgment to my team and all the other entrepreneurs struggling to push ahead, that hard work is noticed and pays off. Don’t give up. Everyday hustle, grind, and execute!

Who is the one person that has influenced you the most in your career?

Without a question, it is my father. In his younger years, he was also an entrepreneur who had to sacrifice for his family and employees. My father and mother have always been my greatest cheerleaders, but beyond that, knowing that they have walked the same path that I am walking in business and succeeded on the other end has always been a fantastic encouragement. From high-level strategy to a daily dose of motivation, my career would only be what it is today with their support.

What did you want to be when you grew up as a child?

Like most little boys, I wanted to be a police officer and fireman, but at the same time, I dreamed of being a successful businessman who invented and sold the latest gadgets and lived in a big home. Goals have always driven me, and I have accomplished most of what I have put my mind to. I started my career in both the Fire Department and Police Department, traveled the world with the U.S. Secret Service, and entered the international business world as an executive. I still have a long way to go, and I try to take each day one step at a time.

If you’re not in the office, where can we find you/what is another passion you have?

If I am not in the office or my remote office traveling, you will typically find me with my two daughters. They are my pride and joy and why I work so hard daily. Outside of my kids, I have a passion for local Loudoun viticulture. I dream of owning my own winery and sharing my passion with others.

How do you see your business evolving in the next 5 years?

Rapidly! For the last three years, I have been building CodeLock to take off once the market is ready for what we have to offer. Due to multiple factors, the time has come, and we are seeing the fruit of our labors pay off. In the next five years, I see CodeLock growing rapidly. We aim to increase our local employee footprint and become a name brand for organizations looking to secure their software better and understand their supply chains.

Learn more about CodeLock, Inc. on their website here.