D.C. Prime Proudly Presents The 2023 Loudoun Cares Charity Golf Tournament
D.C. Prime is the proud sponsor of The Loudoun Cares Charity Golf Tournament! We invite you to participate on Monday, April 1oth at Raspberry Falls Golf & Hunt Club in Leesburg, VA. Following the tournament will be a celebratory banquet at the clubhouse with awards and great prizes.
Proceeds benefit Loudoun Cares, a local non-profit organization that connects VOLUNTEERS with over 230 non-profits through an ONLINE Volunteer Center. They also connect THOSE in NEED with resources through their CONNECTLINE Helpline. Loudoun Cares answer the HOW in the question: “How can I help?” AND the WHO in the question “Who can help me?”
To register or for more information about this year’s event, please visit https://bit.ly/loudouncaresgolf2023 or contact Katie for more information: katie@tmmgservices.com.
We look forward to seeing you on this great day of golf, and we thank you for supporting this wonderful community organization.