Meet the Finalists! Cucinamore

by Andrea Winey

To see the FULL list of SBA Finalists, click here.  1.  Tell us your story of how your company got to where it is today?My name is Daniela Williams and my business is called Cucinamore, LLC. I was born and raised in the Italian city of Treviso, 25 miles north of Venice. In 2008, I moved to […]

Meet the Finalists! Comfenergy

by Andrea Winey

To see the FULL list of SBA Finalists, click here. 1.  Tell us your story of how your company got to where it is today?It’s a long story on how Comfenergy got to where it is today, but I’ll give you the brief overview.  Justin Dobson owned a local family owned HVAC Company that still exists […]

Meet the Finalists! Plum Grove Cyclery

by Andrea Winey

To see the FULL list of SBA Finalists, click here. 1. Tell us your story of how your company got to where it is today?Plum Grove ReCyclery started back in 2000 as a small specialty cycle shop in downtown Leesburg.  Our focus then as it is today continues to be service and education.  As Leesburg and […]

Meet the Finalists! Select Construction

by Andrea Winey

To see the FULL list of SBA Finalists, click here. 1.  Tell us your story of how your company got to where it is today?Allen Kabiri came to the United States from his birthplace in Iran in 1976. He had all the doubts of a young man, wondering if he could make it in America with sheer […]

Meet the Finalists! PeopleTactics

by Andrea Winey

To see the FULL list of SBA Finalists, click here. 1.  Tell us your story of how your company got to where it is today? In 2002 I was working at a high-paying Human Resources position in a Fortune 500 company. This was a position I had been working towards since a very young age. At five […]

Meet the Finalists! B3 Group, Inc.

by Andrea Winey

To see the FULL list of SBA Finalists, click here. 1.  Tell us your story of how your company got to where it is today?In 2008, Brad Palmer formed B3 Group Incorporated. Three years later in 2011, Dwight Hunt assumed majority ownership, making B3 a VOSB and SDVOSB. That same year B3 grew from one employee […]

Meet the Finalists! Champagne Services

by Andrea Winey

To see the FULL list of SBA Finalists, click here. 1. Tell us your story of how your company got to where it is today?Champagne Services was started in 1981. I began working here in 1997 and left in 2003, came back in 2008 and left again in 2009, returned in the summer of 2014 […]

How Innovation Can Save Your Company Money

by Andrea Winey

Blog post written by: David Skiles, The Vectre CorporationFor more information on the Public Policy Initiatives that the Loudoun Chamber is involved in, click here. U.S. taxpayers claim nearly $10 billion in R&D tax credits each year. Large companies aren’t the only businesses that can get those tax benefits! The 2016 General Assembly Session will be […]

Transformation 2020: Loudoun County Connected!

by Andrea Winey

Thank you to Paul McNeal, a member of our Loudoun Technology Coalition, for this post!Be sure to check out the LTC upcoming event, October 21st at AOL – The Internet of Things: As More of the World Connects Online, Will Your Business Keep Up? In the year 2020, we could possibly have nearly 50.1 Billion connected […]

What Does “IoT” Have to Do With Me?

by Andrea Winey

Blog post by Vanessa Wagner, Small Business & Entrepreneurship Manager, Loudoun County, Va Department of Economic Development You’ve probably heard people mention something called “IoT,” which is short for the “internet of things.” What does it mean, and why should you care? First, some background: IoT applications are often described with the word “smart” because the information collected […]