The Service Contract Act (SCA) creates a contract environment with high risk of liability from audits combined with low margins. SCA contracts are considered to be one of the fastest growing contract types. We will cover how to ensure compliance with all applicable laws, discuss impact on benefits/PTO, increase margins and decrease risk on these contracts.
We will cover four main situations:
- Do you have an SCA contract and not know it – how to back track
- Starting a new SCA contract
- Planning for the re-compete
- How to convert from cash in lieu of benefits to tax exempt benefits
Suzanne Bach – USI Insurance Services, Regional Director of Compliance – ERISA Attorney
Suzanne Bach has spent 15 years at the Department of Labor as an investigator, a Senior Employee Benefit Law Specialist, and finally as the Acting Chief of Field operations in the Employee Benefits Security Administration at the DOL. Only 20 months removed from enforcement side, Suzanne now serves USI clients in the DC Metro area.
Mary Holmes – Senior HR Specialist, BOOST LLC
Mary Holmes has more than 20 years of experience as a multi-disciplined human resources professional assisting small to mid-sized government contractors meet their client missions. Since 2006, she has supported and ensured compliance on contracts where the Service Contract Act has applied. She is an expert in HR compliance, benefits administration, investigations, policies and procedures and much more. Mary brings her vast HR expertise to BOOST clients to assist them with aligning their corporate HR goals, maintaining compliance and improving corporate culture.

Suzanne Bach
Regional Director of Compliance - ERISA Attorney USI Insurance Services
Mary Holmes
Senior HR Specialist BOOST LLCSignature Series Sponsor

GovCon Elite Partners

GovCon Platinum Sponsors

Signature Events

Annual Meeting & Community Leadership Awards
The Loudoun Chamber will celebrate its 57th Annual Meeting & Community Leadership Awards on January 24, 2025. We will honor top community leaders as well as celebrate the success of the 2024 Board of Directors Chair, Angela Mitchell, owner of ARM Consulting LLC. We will also welcome our 2025 Board and the new Chair Scott Loftis, of Atlantic Union Bank. Event Page Here

Annual DEIA Summit
The Loudoun Chamber will host its 3rd Annual DEIA Summit on October 17, 2024. Keynote speakers and workshops will focus on helping your business or nonprofit gain competitive advantages by leveraging diversity and accessibility tools. Event Page Here

Chamber Classic
In the Summer of 2025, the Annual Chamber Classic will be held at The Club at Creighton Farms. This event has been Loudoun County’s premier business golf tournament for over four decades. The Chamber Classic offers our sponsors tremendous marketing exposure and an incomparable day of golf on this Jack Nicklaus-designed course. View the Event Page

Small Business Awards
For 30 years, the Loudoun Small Business Awards have been the most prestigious honors celebrating our Loudoun community’s best small businesses, entrepreneurs, and nonprofit organizations.
Guests joined us on November 8th to congratulate finalists and winners in 10 categories, including the top prize, the 2024 Loudoun Small Business of the Year. Winners were announced in front of a live audience of Loudoun’s top business and community leaders.

Valor Awards
In April of 2025, the Loudoun Chamber will celebrate 40 years of honoring our community’s real-life heroes, including several truly heroic citizens, for their courageous and often lifesaving actions. Join us at the 40th Annual Loudoun County Valor Awards. Event Page Here

State of the Loudoun Market
The Loudoun real estate market has rarely experienced the number of challenges and opportunities it does today. It is difficult to make sense of these current market conditions and their impact on economic conditions. In 2025, the Loudoun Chamber will bring together the region’s top economic and real estate experts to examine how the economic and cultural forces influencing this market will impact your business. Stay tuned for more information.