Speaking at a Public Hearing
Thank you for being willing to speak out on behalf of our friends and neighbors that represent Loudoun’s growing workforce.
Here are a few tips to help you craft your message and to deliver that message effectively, whether you send in written comments or, ideally, are able to speak at a Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors Public Hearing.
Step 1: Craft Your Story – questions to consider when crafting your message.
- How are the issues of housing affordability, transportation infrastructure and Loudoun’s economic prosperity important to your business and your family.
- How can the County address these issues in ways that would make a positive difference for your business and your family.
Step 2: A Proven Template – Weave your story within a well-crafted statement so people will listen.
“Good Evening, My name is (Name) and I am the (Title) of (Your Business) located in (Location). Thank you for the opportunity to address you this evening on a matter of real importance to me, my business and my family.
Suggested messages
Housing – Discuss the challenges that your company has attracting talent and how high housing costs plays a significant role in that challenge. Or, perhaps you can discuss the impact housing costs have had on your family, such as a child who is challenged to find affordable housing in the community where they were raised.
Transportation – Loudoun County has made a major investment in bring Metrorail service to our community. We need to continue to emphasize zoning policies that maximize the return on that investment, by effectively creating dense, walkable, mixed-use developments in proximity to our transportation assets, such as transit and highways. We also must continue to emphasize transportation policies that prioritize economic development, safety and congestion relief.
Economic Development – In the interests of Loudoun’s long-term economic success, the County needs zoning laws and processes that are flexible, business-friendly and easy for both applicants and county staff to understand and apply, without unnecessary burdens and restrictions that serve no purpose, while making it harder, more expensive and more time consuming to invest in Loudoun.
Thank you for your service and for considering my perspective on how Loudoun support policies that make it more affordable to live, work and invest ion Loudoun’s future.
Step 3: Rehearse your message
Public Comment during Board of Supervisors meetings are limited to 3 minutes each for each individual. Once you’ve finished writing your remarks, practice, and time yourself. Try to keep your remarks between 2 and 2 ½ minutes to ensure you won’t feel rushed and can provide your remarks in the time allowed.