LeadShare Success Testimonial: Sharon Wright, Loudoun Clear Marketing, LLC
LeadShare Success Testimonial: Sharon Wright, Loudoun Clear Marketing, LLC
“As the owner of a marketing and PR business who has been operating independently for 12 years and practicing in the trade for almost 30 years, it was only in the past 3 years that I felt it was time, personally and professionally, to elevate my profile in Loudoun County. The ONLY group I joined in the last 3 years was the Loudoun County Chamber and simultaneously, a Leadshare group the same month. While I would like to say that I attend all of the Chamber events, I do not. As a business owner, and mom of young children, many of the Chamber events take place early morning or in the evening. I made a commitment to my family that I would still be here in the mornings to get them off to school and at night, to help with homework and shuttling to various sports and civic clubs.”
“I can with 100% certainty say, that in the past 3 years, I credit my growth and success in the local market to my amazing Leadshare group. I have been shouting this from the rooftops since year one when I instantly began seeing results. Besides the referral business I have enjoyed, I have met and shared business with an equally large number of colleagues. I love working with the business owners in Loudoun County and enjoy passing along business to my peers. The Chamber members I have met have far surpassed my expectations. It is very rare that I cannot find the services I am seeking either for myself or for my clients. Leadshare offers owners everything they need to launch their business and ensure it thrives.”
If you are interested in learning more about LeadShare through the Chamber, please contact Amber Davison, Membership Relations Manager, adavison@loudounchamber.org