Loudoun Young Professional Initiative Update
LoudounYP Initiative Update
The mission statement of the Loudoun Young Professionals Committee is to “engage the young professionals in Loudoun in the YP Chamber community, help them gain experience through connections with community leaders and executives, and enrich the community through service.” That mission is what members such as Kevin Arbogast, of Toth Financial Advisory Corporation, and Jamie Pearson of Middleburg Bank have been working towards for the past 5+ years.
“I’m really proud of the work we’ve done so far with growing our attendance and participation within the committee,” said Kevin Arbogast, the 2015 Chair of the Young Professionals Committee. “I’m also happy with taking the simple approach and focusing on 1 non-profit for the entire year; Mobile Hope is who we selected because of the ‘young’ nature of both organizations.”
“We’ve already raised over $500 for them and have been steadily logging volunteer hours with them this year.”
Looking to the future, Christina Morelli, vice-chair of the committee, is looking to continue utilizing the great connections the Chamber has with local CEO’s and inspirational business leaders in Northern Virginia through the Young Professional’s ExeConnect series. Adding workshops and professional development opportunities are also on the radar for the committee.
“This series is such a great way for young professionals like myself to gain access to CEO’s and other professionals, said Morelli, an insurance broker at Downs & Associates, Inc. “We are sitting in a casual setting with a glass of wine or beer in hand, having a conversation about what matters to us–advancing our careers and figuring out how to do that.”
Upcoming Events:
Loudoun YP & After Hours Mixer @ Stoneleigh Golf Club, Thursday, August 20th – Register Here!
LoudounYP Networking Social @ Blu Vino Rifugio, Tuesday, September 1st – Register Here!
If you, an employee or a co-worker are interested in getting involved in the Young Professionals group, contact Andrea Lucas at the Chamber: alucas@loudounchamber.org, call 571.209.9034, or visit our Twitter or Facebook pages.
Photo credit: (top) Blue Lion Multimedia