Building business by creating housing that’s affordable for all
Loudoun County is facing a housing affordability crisis. The County’s own analysis shows that in 20 years there will be a shortage of almost 20,000 homes for our residents and workers. This will force our aging population out of the county, prevent a new workforce from moving in, and force more farmers to sell their land for residential development in our Rural West.
Without a thriving and growing local workforce, Loudoun’s economy and jobs cannot grow. For Loudoun’s businesses to grow over the next 20 years we need to increase our housing for our most important asset – our workforce.
Housing and economic development should be seen as symbiotic rather than independent of each other, as one cannot thrive without the other.” – Loudoun Economic Development Commission Report July 2018.
Join your fellow business leaders in sharing your housing cost stories with our Board of Supervisors. This July they will be voting on a new Comprehensive Plan that will determine how many new homes can be built in Loudoun in the next 20 years. If the housing shortfall is not addressed today, we will experience generational damage to our thriving business community and to Loudoun’s unique quality of life.
See How the Housing Needs
Are Affecting Our Business Community

Email Your Supervisor directly
with the custom email below.
Chair Phyllis Randall
Supervisor Tony Buffington
Supervisor Matt Letourneau |
Supervisor Ralph Buona
Supervisor Ron Meyer
Supervisor Kristen Umstattd |
Supervisor Suzanne Volpe
Supervisor Geary Higgins
Supervisor Koran Saines |