Loudoun’s Finest and Bravest: 118 Heroic First Responders and Citizens to be honored at 38th Annual Loudoun Valor Awards

2022 Valor Awards
The Loudoun Chamber will honor our community’s public safety heroes, and several outstanding citizens, for their courageous, often lifesaving actions in 2022, at the 38th Annual Loudoun Valor Awards, on Thursday, April 27, 2023, at The National Conference Center.
Loudoun’s top business and community leaders will gather for this proud Chamber tradition and demonstrate their respect and appreciation for our dedicated public servants and their selfless acts of heroism. This event will be emceed by Robert Burton and Adrianna Hopkins, reporters with WJLA ABC 7 news.
“Every shift, every day, our emergency first responders make the personal commitment to serve our Loudoun community and to keep our residents, employees, and visitors safe. For 38 years, the Loudoun Chamber of Commerce has been honored to present the Valor Awards and offer a meaningful ‘thank you’ to these real-life heroes for their commitment, sacrifice and valor,” said Loudoun Chamber President Tony Howard.

2022 Valor Awards
See below for the list of honorees.
Thank you to the 2023 Valor Award sponsors: Signature Sponsor, Inova Loudoun Hospital; Heroism Sponsor, StoneSprings Hospital Center; Guardian Sponsors, Backflow Technology, BFPE International, Dominion Energy, Northwest Federal Credit Union, Salamander Resort & Spa; Print Sponsor, Copy General; First Responders Sponsor, Loudoun First Responders Foundation; Bravery Sponsor, The National Conference Center; Program Sponsors, ABBTECH Professional Resources, Boulder Crest Foundation, Falcon Heating & Air Conditioning, and Road Runner Wrecker Services; Photography Sponsor, Galen Photography. Support a hero! Sponsorship opportunities are available.
To learn more about this event and other Chamber events, visit www.LoudounChamber.org/events.
2023 Loudoun Valor Award Honorees
Incident 1
- DC James John Cooper
Incident 2
- Sgt. David Camp
- Officer Michael Dickson
- Officer Lauren Ritter
Incident 3
- Officer Michael DaRin
- Officer Justin Dudley
- Officer Patrick Kidd
- Officer Matthew Wolfe
Incident 4
- Detective Ryan Schmidt
Incident 5
- Sr. Trooper Kress Adamson
- Dispatcher Kevin Aliventi
- DFC Marissa Altobelli
- (PFC) Morgan Blumer
- Trooper Evan Brooke
- DFC Jason Colborn
- Conservation Officer Mark DiLuigi
- MD J. Hacay
- Pilot Matthew Hobbs
- DFC Josiah Kennedy
- DFC Stewart Marcantel
- DFC Brady Mullis
- DFC Brandon Noland
- Sgt. Tony Outlaw
- DFC Sarrichio
- (MPO) Nate Vanhusen
- DFC Aaron Waskiewicz
Incident 6
- DFC Brady Mullis
- MD Todd Wilson
Incident 7
- DFC Ellen Valladares
- DFC Marcus Whitfield
Incident 8
- DFC Nelson Colon
- DFC Javon Kirkland
Incident 9
- FF/EMT Destin Baker
- AEMT George Black
- EMT Joshua Burns
- AEMT Zhengan Chen
- FF/EMT Christopher Hahs
- FF/EMT Daniel Herdman
- EMT Trent Kurutz
- PM Wyatt Smith
- FF/EMT Graham Wiles
Incident 10
- Captain Michael Burrier
- Tech Paul Byer ll
- Tech. Timothy Potts
- FF ll Robert Weaver
Incident 11
- Fire Chief Christopher Krueger
- Fire Chief Scott Maple
Incident 12
- Officer Phillip Braven
- Officer Stephen Meyer
- Officer Kyle Wagner
Incident 13
- Officer Stephan Winkler
Incident 14
- Officer Matthew Wolfe
- Officer Stephen Meyer
Incident 15
- Sgt. Jeff Cichocki
- Officer Michael Grant
Incident 16
- FF/EMT Delaunte Allen
- Medic Mike Baker
- FF/EMT Andrew Gideon
- Battalion Chief Brenton Harne
- Lt. Christopher Jenkins
- FF/EMT Douglas Kisling
- Katie MacSwain
- Fire Chief Scott Maple
- FF/EMT Frederick Plunkert
- Bruce Ruggeri
- Safety 601 Robert Smith
- FF/EMT Raymond Snoots
- Captain Brian Sullivan
- FF/EMT Brandon Wallo
- FF/EMT Max Walsh
- EMS Supervisor Captain Todd Wenner
- Brian White
Incident 17
- Logue Williams
- Seth Williams
Incident 18
- Dispatcher Hannah Bayer
- FF/EMT Meaghan Gruber
- Call Taker Christopher Horan
- Assistant Dispatch Supervisor Michael Hovermale
- Jimmy Hill
- FF/EMT David Landis
- Lt. Mike Nichols
- FF/EMT Daniel Turner
- Tech. Don Vick
Incident 19
- Samantha Cruz
Incident 20
- Deputy Patrick Brick
- Jeff Cook
- Curt Ehlers
- Andrew Lach
- Brian McGee
- Dan Parker
- Mounsif Tolab
- Deputy Justin Walsh
Incident 21
- Vincent Carr
- Charles Crawford
- Timothy Schilling
- Kyle Twombly
Incident 22
- DFC Zachary Gardner
Incident 23
- Joel Griffin
Incident 24
- Doreen Cook
- Ashley Kolbas
- Michael Krepinevich
- Karen Slothouber
- Alison Stephan
- Michelle Tibbs
Incident 25
- Dr. Michie
- Jason Totaro
- Sam Wojcik
Incident 26
- Kevin Bartcecho
- Mark Bucko
- Blaine Groat
- Kevin Sutphen
- Aaron Trudel
Incident 27
- Dr. Kimberly Brenneman
- Dr. David Johnson
- Ed Renehan
Incident 28
- Christina Navarette
Learn more about the 38th Annual Loudoun Valor Awards here.