Marketing Tips: 3 Content Hacks to Grab Your Reader’s Attention
Thank you to Sarah Kneip, Social Media Specialist at Communicate By Design, for this post!
3 Content Hacks to Grab Your Reader’s Attention
Did you know that the average human attention span is shorter than that of a goldfish? Creating content that not only captures a reader’s attention but also keeps it can be challenging.
This post will cover a few content tips and tricks that your nonprofit can implement to increase engagement and grab the reader’s attention.
What tips has your nonprofit found useful when crafting engaging content?
1. Paragraph Structure
Since most readers (79%) only skim online content, beginning each paragraph with the main point or conclusion in the first two or three sentences can help grab their attention.
This style of writing is called the inverted pyramid. The graphic below from Coschedule provides a great visual:
2. Share Your Content on Facebook
Facebook is the most trusted channel across all media for brand content according to a recent study.
This graphic below from Simply Measured shows that 1.4 billion people use Facebook, which is more than any other social network.
Posting regular updates and investing in paid advertising on Facebook can help with engagement for your nonprofit’s content.
3. Visual Marketing
Communicating visually dates back thousands of years to cave paintings.
Our brains are wired to process visual data much faster than text. In fact, nearly two-thirds of people are visual learners. Incorporating visual marketing when telling your nonprofit’s story is extremely important.
The infographic below captures how powerful the use of imagery is:
Originally published on Communicate By Design’s blog here. Thanks again, Sarah!