Chamber Insider Blog

Meet the ’19 SBA Finalists! Ridgetop Coffee & Tea

Congratulations to Ridgetop Coffee & Tea for being a finalist this year for the 25th Anniversary of the Loudoun Small Business Awards! View the full list of finalists here. These awards will be held on November 8, 2019 at The National Conference Center. Register Here!

Ridgetop Coffee & Tea are finalists for Loudoun Destination Business of the Year. Post submitted by Amanda Holz.

1.  Tell us your story of how your business/nonprofit evolved into what it is today.

The story of Ridgetop Coffee & Tea started about 25 years ago when Cascades was being built and the developers gave Riverside Church a piece of property to build a church on for the community.  A few years later when Riverside Church had enough money to look at what that might look like, we discovered that the property was not big enough for the church and the required parking lot.  We sold the property and bought half the building where Ridgetop Coffee is located.  Our desire was to use this gift to benefit the Sterling community and the idea of Ridgetop Coffee emerged. Our mission is to serve members of our community the highest quality fresh products in a friendly, genuine and caring environment.  We strive to support local businesses by using local products and providing a place to gather.  We are excited that we daily welcome so many amazing community members.

2.  What would it mean to you and your company to win a Small Business Award?

It would be a great honor to win an award from the community we love to serve.  Ridgetop staff work so hard to provide the clean, safe and lovely environment that so many enjoy.  It would be fun for them to be recognized for it.

3.  What is the smallest thing that has made the largest impact on your business?

The smallest thing that has made a large impact on our business is the love and support we receive from our local community.  From sanding, painting, pulling apart pallets, hosting events and word of mouth marketing, we couldn’t do this without our community!

4.  Who is the one person that has influenced you the most in your career?

The one person who has influenced me the most in my career is Ross Perot.  I had the honor of working for both EDS and Perot Systems when I was young and his integrity, hard work and love for his employees taught me many lessons.

5.  What is your favorite thing about running a business in Loudoun County?

The people!

6.  How do you see your business evolving in the next 10 years?

I am excited to see what God’s plan for Ridgetop Coffee is.  Right now we are working on a free tutoring network.  We want to level the playing field for all Loudoun kids by matching tutoring needs with local volunteers to make sure all students get the help they need.  We have this place, let us use it for good. I am not sure what the future brings but I am excited to see!

7.  If you’re not in the office where can we find you/what is another passion you have?

It is hard to know where you will find me when I am not at work as my favorite thing is traveling.  I have had the pleasure of visiting many places, both in the United States and abroad.  Alaska and Australia are on my wish list for the future.

8.  What did you want to be when you grew up as a child?

When I was younger I wanted to be a flight attendant.  They always seemed so glamorous and got paid to travel!

9.  If you have 24-hours off, and your family was out of town, what would you do?

My family is mostly out of town these days as my four kids are either adulting or in college.  If I am off when my husband is working, I love to hang out at home, reading, planning a trip or a fun activity for my family.  I also love to connect with friends!

10.  What is one book that you would recommend everyone read?

The book I would recommend everyone read is The Ministry of Ordinary Places by Shannon Martin.  In the book, Shannon challenges us to see our own communities through a wider lens of love.  She encourages us in the details of an ordinary life to pay attention, show up and commit for the long haul.  It has been a huge encouragement as we worked through the details of creating Ridgetop Coffee and Tea.


Thanks to Ridgetop Coffee & Tea for taking the time to answer our questions! Good luck at the Small Business Awards this year.