Next Generation CEO Spotlight: Allisyn Lam, The Orphanage Outreach Operation
Thank you to Allisyn Lam, a 10th grader from Briar Woods High School/ Academies of Loudoun and YEA Class of 2019 Alumni for answering a few of our questions.
Applications are now being accepted for the Young Entrepreneurs Academy Class of 2020. Apply Today!
Allisyn created a nonprofit called, the Orphanage Outreach Operation, aimed to support family-run orphanages around the world. In today’s world UNICEF estimates that there are about 27 million orphanages internationally totaling about 153 million orphans. Allisyn states “The O.O.O offers a creative new solution to link youth to youth by matching qualified schools to orphanages throughout the charter program. We are currently working in Keya & Liberia and will be expanding soon”
Tell us what you learned from being apart of the YEA Class this year?
YEA taught me more than just how to be a good student, but how to be an even better presenter. YEA gave me the tools to create beautiful slideshow presentations, how to catch my audience’s eyes, & develop a business plan. I was able to deliver a successful pitch to wow the investors! They even taught us how to master the perfect elevator pitch for our businesses.
What has been your favorite memory of your time in the YEA program?
YEA has been seven months of many memories. My favorite memory would have to be the Investor Panel. This event was a huge milestone to mark the progress I have made. We had the chance to compete against my classmates for a real investment towards my business.
Why should someone apply to be apart of the YEA Program for the Class of 2020?
YEA equips students with the tools and the guidebook to creating their own business, nonprofit, or organization to become real-life entrepreneurs. Even more importantly, students get the priceless opportunity to share their missions with a live audience building their track record and share their mission.
What advice would you give to the Class of 2020?
The best thing any person could do, regardless of business efforts, is to surround yourself with people of good energy. Who share your vision and believe in you. Secondly, take advantage of opportunities that come your way. As a student of YEA, I have had so many doors opened for me that I wouldn’t have had if I wasn’t in the program. Lastly, I have gained lifelong friendships from this program.