Next Generation CEO Spotlight: April Weber, Paws, Pics, & Paintings
Thank you to April Weber, a 10th grader from Dominion High School and YEA Class of 2019 Alumni for answering a few of our questions.
Applications are now being accepted for the Young Entrepreneurs Academy Class of 2020. Applications are due June 14, 2019. Apply Today!
Paws, Pics, & Paintings is a company where we hand paint portraits of your pet. We also photograph your pet. We are a locally run company in Northern, VA. Owner April Weber was inspired to create Paws, Pics, & Paintings from her love of animals and painting.
What did you learn from being in the YEA Class of 2019?
I learned a lot about how to market my business, as well as how to calculate financials. We were taught how to create a successful business from the ground up.
What was your favorite memory from YEA this year?
My favorite memory was overcoming the fear I had towards the investor panel. I overcame my fear of public speaking!
Tell us why someone should apply to be apart of the YEA program?
YEA exposes young entrepreneurs to a world of experience and knowledge they will use for the rest of their lives.
What advice would you give the Class of 2020?
YEA give you a great opportunity that you should not take for granted. Work & try your hardest, and it will pay off!