Non-Profit Spotlight: Habitat for Humanity
Thank you to Kari Murphy of Habitat for Humanity for sharing your story! (photo 1: Wells Fargo working to build a Habitat house. All photos, credit: Kari Murphy)
Non-Profit Spotlight: Habitat for Humanity, Kari Murphy
A day in the life of a non-profit development manager… At times I feel like my own small business owner. Out there pounding the pavement, attending numerous chamber events as well as other networking events and meetings, meeting with the faith community, individual donors and corporate sponsors – finding that funding so we can serve our clients, our Loudoun Habitat partner families. Small business owners are building their business and improving our local economy. Loudoun Habitat is building affordable housing and empowering deservingLoudoun County residents to improve our economy as well by keeping our local citizens in the county, working and spending their money here as well as paying property taxes.
Does it stop at networking for this development manager? Nope. Grant writing, coordinating volunteers, mentoring youth to give back to their community, attending various Board of Directors and it’s committee meetings, reporting fundraising progress metrics to them, coordinating team builds on our new construction and renovations AND lunch for them, encouraging donations and shopping at our ReStore, and running events and the volunteers and committees that support the success of each and every one of those events.
Loudoun Habitat for Humanity just wrapped up their 2nd year of Adventures in Halloweenville where we entertained over 1000 people and were blessed to have the gift of over 800 volunteer hours by both youth and adults.
Now on to our 14th Annual Capitol Steps show. We are ready for a good laugh and no matter your politics, it’s equal opportunity spoofing of both Democrats and Republicans and many current events. Come laugh with us! Friday, November 27th at 8p.m. Tickets are $45 in advance/ $50 at the door. You can purchase online at www.loudounhabitat.org. Does a development manager ever overlook an opportunity to promote their non-profit’s event? NEVER! So thank you for indulging me.
Is it a crazy busy position? Do I love it? YES to both questions!
Even on the most grueling of daily schedules, when I am see the smiling faces of our partner families as they visit us in the office or work on the build site, hearing their deeply sincere words of gratitude to providing the dream of home ownership in the most affluent county in the nation, watching their children run to their new bedrooms to pick which one is theirs after we cut the ribbon in their freshly painted front doorway, when the adults come back and volunteer with us at our various events even when they don’t have to anymore…ALL so fulfilling! Not to mention the great friendships I have made in the non-profit community of Loudoun County, the wonderful support of so many individuals and businesses that don’t hesitate to say YES when asked for anything and the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce’s dedication to providing educational opportunities and sharing of best practices through the Non-Profit Initiative monthly meetings and Non-Profit Academy series. Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping me continue to change a family’s life.
To check out more about the Non-Profit Academy and the Non-Profit Initiative, click here or contact Member Relations Manager Amber Davison, adavison@loudounchamber.org or call 571-9036.