2021 Loudoun Golf Tour Sponsorship Opportunities
The Loudoun Chamber Golf Tour is designed for busy professionals, whether a seasoned or casual golfer, who enjoy playing on some of Loudoun’s outstanding courses. Take your turn on the green in a casual Golf Tour playing on three courses over four months in an ongoing 9-hole tournament. Different twosomes compete each month with scramble rules to promote networking on the course.
CO-SIGNATURE SPONSOR | Exclusive, Investment of $2,000
- Two twosomes for each tour
- Logo recognition on all marketing
- Recognition of company and speaking opportunity at each tour event
- Display table at the Mixer
- Beverage & Snack Sponsor at Golf Classic ($500/Value)
PLATINUM SPONSORS | 4 Available | Investment of $1,000
- One twosome for each tour
- Logo recognition on all marketing
- Recognition of company at each tour event
2021 SERIES GOLFER | M/$300 | NM/$400
- You will be Registered for all Four golf outings with one registration