Chamber Insider Blog

Spotlight on the 2020 SBA Finalists! Pam Jones, Extraordinary Transitions

Congratulations to Pam and Dave Jones of Extraordinary Transitions – Long & Foster, who are finalists for Superior Service Business of the Year, and to Pam who is a finalist for Loudoun’s Top Entrepreneur of the Year! Post written by Pam Jones. The livestream of the 26th Annual Loudoun Small Business Awards will premier Friday, November 13, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. on our Facebook Page.  View all 2020 SBA Finalists here.


Tell us about your business, how it got started, and how it has evolved into what it is today.

I began my real estate career in 1983, earned my broker’s license in 1987, and moved from sales to management in 1989. Over 10 years, I managed offices for 4 real estate companies in five locations.

I began working with my business coach, Mike Ferry< in 1994 and used his training information to teach my agents how to grow an effective real estate business. After five years and a move to Loudoun County, I decided to take the training and apply it myself as a salesperson. I moved from management to sales, changed companies to Long & Foster, and hired an assistant who would do the admin work while I prospected for new business.

My goal each year is to sell a minimum of 50 homes. Over the last 21 years we’ve sold 1000, so our average is more like 47. Dave joined me in 2009 from his work as a mortgage loan officer. In 2011 we named the company Extraordinary Transitions; the results we wanted for our clients as they “transitioned” from one home to another.

We continue to work with our coaching company, have also built our brand through the advice of our marketing partner, CBD-X and their team, and have continually made connections with and referrals to many of our Loudoun Chamber members.

What would it mean for you and your business to win a Small Business Award?

Winning the Small Business award will affirm the definition of our practice as real estate sales entrepreneurs with heart. We give our all for our clients and our Chamber community, working to find the solutions and resources that make their lives easier.

What is the smallest thing that has made the biggest impact on your business?

The smallest thing is the understanding that the basics never change. Making connections by phone, in person, email, and text fuels our business. Too many people wait for others to connect. We are reaching out every day.

Who is the one person that has influenced you the most in your career?

The person who has influenced me the most in my career is Mike Ferry, my business coach and trainer. He is a nationally known real estate business coach ( ) and his methods, his community, and his personal commitment to excellence have inspired my work and personal life since I met him in 1994.

What is your favorite thing about running your business in Loudoun County?

The people who I’ve met and the things I’ve learn from other great business people. This is my place in the world. The Loudoun Chamber ROCKS!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a Broadway star! Instead, I am a star presenter and counselor.

What is a book that changed your life, and WHY?

Peak by Chip Conley. In it, the author talks about taking your business from good to one that creates evangelists by serving clients, staff, and community in a way that goes above and beyond the ordinary. I created the name “Extraordinary Transitions” as a result of the information I found in the book.

When you’re not at your desk, where can we find you on the weekends/what is another passion you have?

On the weekends I am working. In between real estate activities I play golf, serve as the Chair of the Board of Oatlands Historic House and Gardens, and spend time with my sister, Dad, and various nieces, nephews, and cousins at my childhood home in Maryland. Dave and I love the Nationals and get to a few games each season.

How do you see your business evolving in the next 5 years?

I see the business growing with the addition of a younger agent who will eventually be the face of the organization. I am looking for a strong partner who is willing to work within the Mike Ferry system to grow our client base and eventually take the lead. I am planning to be a strong member of the team for many years and would also like to spend quality time with Dave in a more relaxed climate.


Congratulations to Pam and Dave Jones! Be sure to check out their website here.