Spotlight on the Finalist: The Community Foundation LF
Thank you to Amy Owen, Executive Director of The Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern Fauquier Counties, for answering a few questions with us!
1. What would it mean to you and your company to win a Small Business Award?
The Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern Fauquier Counties is overwhelming honored as a finalist for the Small Business Award program (in the nonprofit of the year category). It feels like we’ve won already! What I really enjoy about the upcoming Awards evening is the pomp and circumstance of everyone dressed up and in attendance . . . the joy and accomplishment that all the winners realize . . . and the sense of celebration in the room. The Community Foundation is all about building local assets, local leadership, to meet local needs—the Chamber’s Awards night shines a lot of light on our community.
2. What business person has influenced you the most?
Wow. That’s like asking which teacher had the most influence in my life. . . the Loudoun business community is filled with “teachers” and mentors who have a strong sense of corporate responsibility that ties to the local nonprofit sector. Its those businesses that really make their mark for me. And, its not just about financial support or helping to build local endowment, but encouraging staff to volunteer, serve on boards, social media publicity about local charity. All those make a difference.
3. If you weren’t running your own business, what would you be doing?
If I weren’t Executive Director of the Community Foundation, I suppose I’d find a way to take care of my new granddaughter while my eldest daughter heads off to work each day. That, or Island hop in the West Indies…Let me think about this because they are both pretty high up there in Fantastic land!
4. What book are you reading right now?
I just finished The Social Profit Handbook by David Grant. It offered up some intriguing ways to think about measuring success that I think anyone could benefit from applying, business or social profit (nonprofit).
5. What is your favorite app?
I’ve become a real Snapchat fan. Have you used it? Its a fun way to stay in touch through video and messaging, without intruding on the receiver. Check it out. After that, I use 1Password on my phone and computer to keep all my passwords in order and can easily recommend it.
6. If you had a full 24 hours off, and your family was out of town, what would you do?
So, I’m home alone for a day, huh? I might need to clean out the chicken coop (Princess Leia, Nancy Drew, George (her sidekick), Pumpkin, Eggy, Virginia, Lucy, and Hedwig enjoy a fresh coop). Or, the garden often calls for attention. Sami, my Golden Retriever, has high expectations of Frisbee time. Settling in for some of my favorite shows is good, or reading in front of a fire (its raining a lot as I write this!) is close to perfect. Its not hard to be content and on my own—but, I still am happier with Don (my guy for 34 years, now!) there with me!
7. What is the smallest thing that has had the largest impact on your business?
That small thing that had a big impact. A few weeks ago, the Community Foundation received a check for $105. It was from their local elementary aged children who had set up a lemonade stand to raise money for one of our funds, the Smashing Walnuts Foundation. Those kids made my day, and I know that the family of Gabriella Miller were touched, too.
Thanks so much, Amy!
Register for the Small Business Awards, November 6th here