Health Screenings: How to Determine What’s Right for You
Thank you to Heather Williams of Loudoun Medical Group for this blog post!
Health Screenings: How to Determine What’s Right for You
Throughout the year, we are constantly reminded about the importance of regular health screenings. National Breast Cancer Awareness Month encourages women to perform self-breast exams and schedule routine mammograms. Every March, men and women alike are reminded to schedule routine colonoscopies as part of National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Regular health screenings are not only important to detecting many types of cancer; they can detect other conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. There is even a screening test for osteoporosis, which affects 200 million women worldwide.
Health screenings are beneficial because they allow us to take charge of our health. In fact, aside from the numerous health benefits, many of us are incentivized by our employers for undergoing regular screenings. Loudoun Medical Group (LMG), the area’s largest physician-owned, multispecialty medical group, offers its employees a discounted insurance rate or monetary reward for participating in the company’s corporate wellness program. To achieve the program’s highest levels, employees are required to undergo two preventive health exams (or screenings) such as an annual physical; annual well-woman exam; colonoscopy; mammogram; prostate screening; skin cancer screening; vision exam; or dental cleaning.
Under the current health care system, many preventive health care services (or screenings) are free, with no copays or deductibles. However, when trying to determine which screening tests are right for you, it is important to consult with your primary care provider. He or she can help you to determine which tests are appropriate based upon your age and risk factors. For example, those with a family history of colorectal cancer may be advised to start screening before age 50.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers a comprehensive list of recommended preventive services (or screenings) by group, including adults, women, children and pregnant women. To access the list of recommended screenings, visit http://www.cdc.gov/prevention/.
To search for an LMG primary care provider, visit http://bit.ly/17jvB7n.
–Posted by Heather Williams, Loudoun Medical Group
Want to Learn More?
Did you know that 98% of large companies and 73% of small companies already offer at least one wellness initiative designed to either increase engagement, improve quality of life, or both? Here’s how you can learn more…
– Join Our Committee! The Chamber’s Health & Wellness Committee is a dedicated group of local professionals with a passion for wellness! We spearhead the Annual Healthy Business Challenge and equip chamber members with important health-related information and valuable wellness resources. Our goal is to engage employers, convey the importance of wellness in the workplace, and cultivate a thriving, healthy community. Come see what we’re all about – we meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. at the chamber office.
– Be Informed. Interested in creating a culture of wellness within your company, but not sure where to begin? Sign up to receive our Healthy Tips & Tricks emails. You’ll also receive updates for upcoming events, the Healthy Business Challenge, and the latest committee news and happenings. You can also find us on Facebook and LinkedIn!
– Join the Challenge! The Chamber’s Healthy Business Challenge is for everyone! No matter your company size, you can be recognized for your wellness efforts! The award will garner you company exposure on the chamber’s Web site, in eNewsletters, and in local newspapers. Not to mention, the placard and physical award are great for PR and employee recruitment! The 2016 Healthy Business Challenge will begin in January – stay tuned for updates!